Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How do I place an order?

A: Simply browse our selection of products, add your chosen items to the cart, and proceed to checkout. Follow the instructions to complete your purchase. If you encounter any issues, please contact our customer support team for assistance.

Q: What payment methods do you accept?

A: We accept all major credit cards, PayPal, AirWallex/Klarna, and other digital payment methods. All transactions are secure and encrypted for your protection.

Q: Can I change or cancel my order?

A: If you need to change or cancel your order, please contact us as soon as possible. We'll do our best to accommodate your request, but please note that once an order has been processed for shipping, it cannot be canceled or modified.

Q: How long does shipping take?

A: At GnomeDungeon.com, we are committed to providing you with a wide range of high-quality products at competitive prices. To achieve this, we operate using a dropshipping model, partnering with suppliers from around the world. This means that your order is shipped directly from our suppliers to you.

Due to our dropshipping model our delivery times can vary depending on the product and the supplier's location. Typically, orders are delivered within 14-30 days.

Processing Time: Orders are usually processed within 1-3 days before shipping. This is to ensure order accuracy and quality control.

Once your order is shipped, we will provide you with tracking information so you can monitor your order's journey to your doorstep.

Orders may be subject to customs clearance procedures, which can cause delays beyond the original delivery estimates. Please note that customers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. We're not responsible for delays due to customs.

We ask for your patience and understanding regarding delivery times. Our team is continuously working to improve shipping times and ensure the highest level of satisfaction. We appreciate your trust in us and strive to keep you informed every step of the way.

Q: Do you ship internationally?

A: Yes, we offer international shipping. Please be aware that shipping times and costs may vary, and customers are responsible for any customs fees or taxes imposed by their country.

Q: What is your return policy?

A: We accept returns within a 30-day period from the date of purchase. Items must be undamaged and in their original packaging. Customers are responsible for return shipping costs. Please see our Return Policy for more information.

Q: How can I track my order?

A: Once your order is shipped, you will receive a tracking number via email. You can use this number to track your order's progress on our website or the carrier's website.

Q: What should I do if I receive a defective or wrong item?

A: If you receive a defective or incorrect item, please contact us immediately. We will provide instructions for returning the item and arrange for a replacement or refund.

Q: How can I contact customer service?

A: Our customer service team is available to answer any questions or concerns. Contact us via email at support@gnomedungeon.com or through our website's contact form.

Q: Do you offer any discounts or promotions?

A: Yes, we occasionally offer discounts and promotions to our customers. The best way to stay informed about our latest deals is to subscribe to our newsletter or follow us on social media.

Q: Is my personal information secure?

A: Yes, protecting your personal information is our top priority. We use advanced encryption and security measures to ensure your data is safe. For more information, please read our Privacy Policy.